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"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is NOT our friend." For daily Military Fun -
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...and choke yourself !
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"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
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"Never interrupt your enemy ..."
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"If I had a military tank..."
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"Knock Knock ..."
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The Military Wife...
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"Never tell people...
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Leeeeroooooy !!!
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"If it's stupid ..."
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If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone. For daily Military Fun -
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When in doubt, empty your magazine
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You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take
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This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Elmer Davis
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Tracers work both ways
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Incoming fire has right of way
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If that earns me the right to get back to my wife, then that's my mission.
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“In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself.”
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Firepower. The more, the merrier. What do you think ?
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Would you ask this question ?
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Bomb Squad Prank :)
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Remember that kid... How do you think he managed that ... :)
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"War is fear cloaked in courage." Gen William C Westmoreland
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In Soviet Russia - dance breaks YOU !
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"You cannot invade mainland America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." Isoroku Yamamoto, Japanese Admiral (by Andrew Babb) Sounds about right to me. What do you think ?
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"Force and mind are opposites; Morality ends where a gun begins" Ayn Rand Do you agree? Share your thoughts.
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Camouflage Practice Ever experienced that ?
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"Heroes don't wear capes. They wear dog tags." For your daily dose of Military Quotes -
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16 Hour days... So.. what does that make THIS guy worth ?
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Combat Medic. Before God, Before their Mother, they call on him...
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God Bless them all. Thank you and Merry Christmas !
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"If you heard my shot you were not the target"
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What was YOUR worst/best day ever ?
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HO HO HO (by Nick Arsenault)
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Why yes, the Marines were here. How did you know? (by Martin Webster)
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True Story? What do you think ?
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Writing your name in the snow ? Well, this is BETTER !!! BTW. where are some pirates?!
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Rest in peace general Norman Schwarzkopf !
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"Pressure makes diamonds." Gen. George Patton
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Ghosts are real ! (Thanks to our fan Jacob Tyler Nauert)
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M4 Sopmod It's like Barbie for men (Thanks to our fan Martin Webster)
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"Marines never die ! They just go to hell to regroup" Jed Eckert, Red Dawn
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Thru the Tears... Remember those that have given so much to ensure the freedoms we all enjoy, and so often take for granted. THANK those still serving! For if it wasn't for their perseverance, we would surely lose those freedoms. Respect also the families of those who have answered the call to serve, for they sacrifice no less. Never Forget. (Thanks to our fan Tim Bennett)
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HONOR: The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is whether they use human shields or they make themselves human shields.
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"Show me your warface !!! " (Thanks to our fan: Nicholas Pendragon)
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Dear @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fans, we wish you a Happy New Year! Thank you for accompanying us through 2012. Stay tuned for more…
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Good Morning 2013 !
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Support Weapons Because no zombie apocalypse survival kit is truly complete without a grenade launcher and few bandoleers of HE rounds.
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Abrams Tanks ALWAYS have the right of way.
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DUDE, She is with me !
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"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory." George S. Patton
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Your man vs. My man !
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What do you think ?
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"No matter where you are, Baby.. I am right there beside you." Military spouses
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Redundancy Because you can never be too sure.
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Street view Afghanistan :p
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SPETSNAZ When the only way to kill a terrorist is with a backflipping hatchet attack
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He is a U.S. soldier... ► @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] ◄
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When you fail at first... Call in an airstrike ► @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] ◄
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Problem Solving There are few of life's problems that cannot be solved with the proper application of a high explosive projectile
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Army Wife Toughest job in the army! ► @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] ◄
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This was Spartaaaaaa! sir
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Chuck Norris: The war is over !
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Dude, where is my car !?
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Attitude... A sense of humor can help make even the toughest job easier
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Allies or enemies, you make the call ! (Thanks to our fan Martin Webster)
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Aircraft machine Guns Every kid's dream...
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Marine Sniper "You can run, but you'll just die tired !"
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I don't know what it was, But it's dead now!
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I will beat you with it if I have to... (Thanks to our fan Don Snovell)
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TSA I can't believe they took my fingernail clippers away.
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Fire Breathing Dragon Not a myth !
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Delta Force Circa 480 BC
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THE LORD GIVENTH, "The Marine Sniper taketh away". (by Ryan Decker)
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THE MARINES - Batman really, really, really hates them. (by Riko Tovias)
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TACTICAL NUCLEAR WARHEAD Nothing says screw you like a mushroom cloud. (by Joseph Purdy) For daily Military Fun -
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AA-12 For when you absolutely have to destroy everything in the room (by Arnaud Delice)
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Spetsnaz Breaking a burning cinderblock with a jumping hammer attack is the only way to secure freedom.
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Action "No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair." GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON, JR.
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Welcome to my home! That door you just kicked in, was locked for YOUR protection, not mine. Don't forget to LIKE our FB page► @[1499543433651010:128:Military Quotes] ◄
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I BET you're reading this with one eye closed. For daily Military Fun -
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The hills have eyes and big guns too
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Regret #1 training my ex-girlfriend to shoot. For daily Military Fun -
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TACTICOOL GUN If you're hit by this, it's all over. For daily Military Fun -
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Come home safe daddy ♥.
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nuff said ! For daily Military Fun - Don't forget to LIKE ^ ^ ^ our ~ @[1499543433651010:128:Military Quotes] fanpage !
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For the Husbands, the Wives and the Families of our Armed Services.... (by Scott Hood)
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"Put you trust in God, but keep your powder dry." Oliver Cromell. (by William Burdette)
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"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog" General Dwight D. Eisenhower (by William Burdette)
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(by Riko Tovias)
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D.A.V. Donkey Assault Vehicle. Budget cuts hit everyone.
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(by Tim Smock)
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DUAL WIELDING - no words can aptly describe how awesome this man is (by Riko Tovias)
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BEHIND EVERY SOLDIER Is a girl worth fighting for
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U.S. NAVY - Cos you can't have too much Firepower
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You've got your family I've got mine ! Don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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(by Trunks Briefs)
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“I came, I saw, I conquered.” ―Julius Caesar
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“Better to fight for something than live for nothing.” - George S. Patton
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BRAVERY - Brave men stand tall in the face of danger
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(by Riko Tovias)
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SEMPER FIDELIS.... (by Scott Hood)
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AMEN.... (by Scott Hood)
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F-22 RAPTOR - You'll be gone long before you know what hit you.
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INVISIBLE SOULS Leave .308 holes
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COURAGE - Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. - Ambrose Redmoon
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Why does it take a minute to say hello, and forever to say goodbye ?
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AH-64D APACHE LONGBOW - Making terrorist shit their pants since 1991.
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MILITARY VISION - Some people see an obstacle. Some people see an opportunity. You see a natural choke point with flank security.
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A-10 THUNDERBOLT - When all hell breaks loose the Warthog is here to bail you out.
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If enemy is in range, so are you. MURPHY'S MILITARY LAW #9
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I will fear no evil. The shadow is mine...and so is the valley.
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DEAR VETERANS - Thanks you for your service.
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SAW GUNNERS Like flowers too...
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AND IF I RUN OF AMMO I can still hit enemy with this baby
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(by Garrett Lauer)
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Commando Take Away Order: "I would like the large GBU-12 on a Danger Close base please."
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"We're surrounded... that simplifies our problem." (by Dan Tindal)
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"Only he is lost, who gives up on himself" (by Kurt Cook)
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"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." - Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore (Apocalypse Now)
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“Take a life to save a life. That's what we revolve around, I suppose … If there's people trying to do bad stuff to our guys, then we'll take them out of the game." -Prince Harry of Wales (by William Burdette)
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Grim Determination (by Scott Hood)
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Ask Me What I Was (by Scott Hood)
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(by Trevor F. Christian)
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(by Scott Hood)
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GOD BLESS USA ! (by Scott Hood)
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(by Scott Hood)
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(by Brad Mingle)
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"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest battles, Look upon them as your ownbeloved sons and they will stand by with you even until death." (by Przemysław Rykaczewski)
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(by Brian Casey)
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"I am the punishment of God… If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." -Genghis Khan (by Brian Treacy)
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SOLUTION - "I say we take off and nuke it from the orbit. I'ts the only way to be sure" - Lt. Ellen Ripley
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Tracer rounds work in both directions!
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The Title (by Jeff Beyggat)
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"If it bleeds, we can kill it."
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Proud Army Wife
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Make sound in the east, then strike in the west !
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"A soldier doesn't fight because he hates what's in front of him. He fights because he loves what he left behind."
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Grandpa Served in the U.S. Marines Dad Served in the U.S. Marines Mum Served in the U.S. Marines So Tell me why my kid should not join the Marines ?
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So True !!!
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Aim for that cat ! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Budget Cuts Quit your b*tching, he'll be just fine... For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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As the speeding camera was not enough ! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Practical Joke ! Go ahead, it'll be a blast For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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ANGRY BIRDS For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Best Friends FOREVER !!!
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Proud Army Mom
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US MILITARY - So badass, it has soldiers for its soldiers.
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Complaint Department Please take a number! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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The best way to die ! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Variety The spice of life
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Seriously, Get of my lawn !!! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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F-22 Raptor Because kicking your ass with the F-15 and F-16 got boring...
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Owned You'd better start praying...
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A former Navy SEAL and the author of "American Sniper," Chris Kyle (the most lethal sniper in United States military history), was shot and killed along with another man Saturday 2/2/2013 at a Texas gun range R.I.P. Chris ! ------------- 160 confirmed kills (out of 255 claimed kills) Service/branch: United States Navy Years of service: 1999-2009 Rank: Chief Petty Officer Unit SEAL Team 3, Sniper Element, Charlie platoon Battles/wars: Iraq War (Second Battle of Fallujah) Silver Star (2) Bronze Star (V) (5) Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1) Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2)
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Rest in peace bro !
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Retirement The CAVALRY way
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I need one ! Gun egg fryers
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Life sucks
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B52 concert They won't be singing Love Shack !
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Variety is the spice of life
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Soviet Engineering
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I swear to God !
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What do you think ?
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Daily Quiz: What military Ribbon/Award is this? Right Answer: Purple Heart Ribbon (first by Ken Wiegreff, Congrats !)
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Semper Fi !
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"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen."
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A gun doesn't make you a killer. You can kill someone with a bat or a car but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game!
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Daily Quiz: What military Ribbon/Award is this? Right Answer: World War II Victory Ribbon (first by Russell J. Ericksmoen, Congrats !)
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Guess which items are used in more murders ?
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Almost done...
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Uuuuups ! Which one was moving ?
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To all who served, thanks for walking the walk!
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Snipers Making the world safe one headshot at a time.
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Epiphany The realization that you broke into the WRONG house! SHAK-SHAK, MOTHAF**KA!!
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Submarines Sneaky bastards... ;)
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Our guns are bigger than your guns.....
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U.S. Army Rangers If everything around you is exploding..... it is probably us ! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Military planking
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"I walk slowly, but I NEVER walk backward !" -Abraham Lincoln
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Happy Valentine's day !
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American Will and Hell is coming with me.... For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Owraaaaa (by Jeff Beyggat)
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Nuff said.... Don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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True Story... For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Nobody Ever Drowned in Sweat ! For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Forty Five Because they don't make a Forty Six !
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The newest military stealth fighter !
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There are no bad guns....
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....said no criminal ever!
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The best license plate ever
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SPETSNAZ - Hardest metal known to man.
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Which one is your favorite?
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Like a boss ! This is how we roll... For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Some liberals blurred all weapon names. Can you name them all?
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Saying we don't need these... What do you think ?
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Flashbangs Nobody's friend.
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Slow guys are stuck on the landing gear....
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Can you guys caption this ?
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Who is YOUR favorite superhero ?
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Cup Holders Because snipers get thirsty too.
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Night Vision Because bullets don't care how dark it is.
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Words like honour, code, loyalty to some are more than words. They are the backbone of the U.S. Military. A life spent defending our nation, people & freedom. Our troops have always honoured these words with action & deeds in the face of great danger & adversity with little thought To their own well being. I thank them & may God bless them. (Posted by Mike Hunnicutt)
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Officers: Making simple shit hard since 1775
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Because 100 rounds/sec is enough !
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Come on officer, not again !
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Is he prepared ? What do you think?
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Teamwork means that there's always someone else to do the heavy lifting.
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40mm suppository Fast and effective relief from the major pains in the ass.
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Thank you vets !
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To all who serve, thanks for walking the walk. For daily updates - don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Meet GUSTAV (the RPG) the best friend of the Green Berets !
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The sexiest heroes, wear combat boots Instead of capes !
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Navy Seals, and you though that the SHARK was the deadliest predator in the ocean... For daily dose of fun - don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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"The Fighting American. There's no better Soldier." Bernard Iammatteo, Korean War Veteran, 2002
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Coincidence? I think not ! For daily dose of fun - please don't forget to Like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Bureaucracy Nothing can stop it. For daily dose of fun - don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage
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Army Chicks ! So much better than Army dudes.... What do you think?
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25mm grenades....
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Get to the choppa !
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New Army Brand !
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You are doing it wrong !
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Sir, we are surrounded!
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Keep Calm and Carry on !
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I have a very strict gun control policy: If there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it. Clint Eastwood
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YEAH, Even Marines have a soft side ! For daily dose of fun - please don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] funpage
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Caption this....
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Infantry Always Improvise, Adapt and Overcome For daily dose of fun don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] funpage
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The Army Motto... "Hurry up and wait"
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To Him who is afraid, everything rustles. U.S. Soldiers
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True Story....
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Caption this....
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Panda Soldiers
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... answering the call to defend the freedom!
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No sir, there is nothing to see there.
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"When I die, I desire no better winding sheet than the Stars and Stripes, and no softer pillow than the Constitution of my Country" Andrew Johnson
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God bless Military !
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There is no substitute for victory !
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72 virgins dating service....
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US Marines Logic
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We are U.S. Navy Seals.
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Army haircut DIY :)
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The life of a USAF project
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Caption this.
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Do You Remember Where You Were on 19 March 2003 ? (10 years ago) "My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger..." - George W. Bush- Oval Office
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Like it !
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What do you think ?
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To all our veterans - past, present and future - thank you for your service and selfless sacrifice to keep this country strong and free.
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We are recognizing these brave men and women by giving you the opportunity to honor — and personally thank — those who wore the uniform. Over a million Americans stepped up to fight in Iraq, serving our country with honor and courage. Over 4,000 more lost their lives in the service of freedom. Thank you !
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In Switzerland, many citizens have guns and it has the lowest crime rate in the world. In the United States, some people are fired from their jobs for defending themselves.
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A BIG Thank You !
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Marine Bootcamp (from Dustin Eaton)
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Too Much Fun !
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No more reloading...
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Not anymore
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I wonder how far back will the rifle fly...
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The ultimate measure of a Man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy!
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“Dear Moms and Dads, Thank you for raising Heroes”
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The next hero generation For daily dose of military fun - don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage!
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Not all Brothers have the same last name !
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There is no stronger bond between men than those that serve together in combat
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The Few, the Proud... (From Manuel Martiatu)
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“Some people wonder all their lives if they’ve made a difference. The Marines don’t have that problem.” Ronald Reagan
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Freedom isn't free, share if you agree !
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A salute to military wives !
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A really cool sticker !
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YMCA It's harder in other languages.
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Cold Weapons
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What ? Not yet ?
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The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you !
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That's cute...
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Military good-byes
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Respect !
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I served....
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Armor "Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier"
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The US Marines...
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Iranian missles
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God bless our snipers!
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Rambo Easter egg
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Like a boss !
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"He is the unknown shooter. The nameless, faceless triggerman who put a bullet in the head of the world's most notorious terrorist." --THE WASHINGTON POST
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What do you think ?
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Since 1775
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Rule #2
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North Korea's missile reach.
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I have stared death in the face...
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Little man syndrome
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Getting ready... (post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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Why call 911 when you can help yourself? OR Don't call 911 call 1911 as in M1911 :)
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North Korea has won the coin toss ... (post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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LIKE = AGREED Wake up!
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Once a soldier - always a soldier Be grateful !
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Thank you for freedom !
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Any questions ?
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We will accept nothing less than total victory !
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RIP Brothers !
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Kim's new weapon !
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Freedom's never free
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Which branch of the military is the best choice?
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Giggle For daily dose of fun don't forget to like >> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] << fanpage !
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Perspective... LIKE if you agree!
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40mm suppository
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Oh, it is Gunny Highway ! (Post by Ricardo Regalado Ramirez)
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Come at me bro ! (Post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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Antitank Missile...
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Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the power they are graced with!
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I stand and fight and defend those who cannot.
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Dear North Korea...
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This is a HERO...
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God Bless America
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Not sure if going to war with North Korea is self-defense... (post by James Morgan)
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A candle for Boston
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For those who serve !
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"My name is John Rambo. "
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Gun Control "I have a very strict policy on gun control: If there is a gun around, I want to be the one controlling it"
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Iron Chariots
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Breaking news ! (Post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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Forgiveness Forgive your enemies, But remember their names...
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United States Armed Forces: Answering the call to defend freedom
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Double Tap Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice..
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FBI is looking for those two guys in relation to the Boston Marathon bombing. If you see those guys call 911 immediately . You can also call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) More pics here : http://www.fbi.gov/news/updates-on-investigation-into-multiple-explosions-in-boston/photos Please re-share !
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My brother:
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Balls, they do not age...
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A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
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Message to Chechnya
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True heroes
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We fight, so you don't have to. For daily updates - please don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage
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Kim, have a Snickers (by Steve Furlong)
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Always Faithful !
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Remembering the heroes Thank you!
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Just wanted to say "Thank You for all that you do....And for all the sacrifices you all endure... (Post by Sharon Mankins)
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Military first class
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Really cool view !
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Sniper Breaking the language barrier for over 200 years.
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Amen - So very true !
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I want this guy's job !
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Stuck Bayonets Now a Thing Of The Past
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Heroes Don't look at the back of jersey Look at the chest of a veteran
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Very true :) (Post by Andrew Swick)
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We honor you !
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Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
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Journalist’s Guide To Firearms Identification
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This is a HERO !
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Accuracy It is never fun to be shot back at...
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2 years ago today we killed Bin Laden !
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Land of the free Because of the brave !
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Four-Legged Military Heroes !
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Who are they...
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Drill Sergeant school
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Queen of battle
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Navy Seals...
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Do you feel lucky ?
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How cool is that !?
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Oh, you have to wake up early?
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Machine Gun dog...
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BROTHERS Don't always have the same last name.
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Driving in Iraq (Post by Richard Ackerman)
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Fallen Warriors (Post by Scott Hood)
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Instant Messaging (Post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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GUNS: More effective than swords
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The Marines... Batman really,really, really hates them.
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HEROES Heroes may die but their legends live on!
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The only thing harder than being a Soldier is Loving one.
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To all who serve, Thanks for walking the walk... Don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage. Oorah!
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Happy Armed Forces Day! We thank you for your dedication and Service!
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Freedom isn't free !
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My God !
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Join the Marines...
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The worst part about being strong...
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A B-52 doesn't destroy the bridge. It changes the course of the river!
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""I am a soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight" George S. Patton
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Once a soldier always a soldier... Don't forget to Like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fan page.
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So, you taught your dog to roll over? That's cute...
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The only easy day was yesterday...
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In loving memory. R.I.P. Lucky!
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God Bless 'em
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The New Sword Only the tools of the Warrior change, not his mindset.
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U.S. Army We don't do drive bys... We stop Don't forget to Like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fan page.
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My Son is my Hero!
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Grenade cover a.k.a. "Angrenade" :) Don't forget to Like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fan page.
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The Fallen on Foreign Soil Many veterans are buried abroad, near where they died during battle. Pictured is an American cemetery in Impruneta, Italy.
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Some gave ALL all gave some! We'll never forget ! Thank you ! Please don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] FB page.
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Remembering Our Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day and Every Day.
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Thank you!
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There is no better feeling than...
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In memory
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Military Cutbacks !
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dog helps soldier with strategy :)
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Sniper dog - one shot one cat... Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Cool bumper sticker ! (by Gary Albert Beadle)
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Lumberjack Commandos
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Caption this !
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Respect to all women in the military! Set as your FB cover: http://covernator.com/cover/238/women_serve_too.html
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Drill Sergeant
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Thank you !
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Respect !
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Caption this :)
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RESPECT It's human to be anti-war. But it is unacceptable to be anti-soldier.
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Murphy Law in case of doubt....empty your magazine.
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War does not determine who's right - only who is left.
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All gave some some gave all...
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What's the score ?
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Proud to serve !
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Freedom isn't free...
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The few - the proud - Marines Have it as your FB cover: http://covernator.com/cover/76/the_few_the_proud_marines.html
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Marines - leave no man behind !
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What do you think ? (Post by Mary Marasco Petrillo)
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Opportunity You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take
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Night Vision The bullets don't care how dark it is.
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Old or New .. doesn't really matter
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TEAMWORK: The ability to work together as one, creates the opportunity to rise to the new heights.
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Special forces training Makes you feel like you've been shot into ass, twice!
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To all fathers out there: Thank you and enjoy your day !
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Happy dads day ! #FathersDay #Military
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I miss you... But I'm getting the range
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Honor, Courage, Commitment They have it ALL
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Military Snipers
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Submarines Sneaky Bastards
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Infantry Problem Solving Complex Problems have a simple solutions. One half inch in diameter
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U.S. Army Artillery. Making special deliveries since 14 June,1775
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Light Infantry Is anything but light...
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HEROES Heroes may die But their legends live on
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Happiness Is a dog and a warm gun ! Don't forget to like our Military quotes fanpage
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The task ahead of you, is never as great as the power behind you.
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It's kind of like extreme sports, except people are trying to kill you.
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AMMO... http://covernator.com/cover/463/god_bless_pass_the_ammunition.html
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.45 ACP Because shooting twice is silly !
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A man who will not die for something is not fit to live. MLK Jr.
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Your freedom Their Lives, Without Complaint
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Excellence Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it Autograph your work with excellence!
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U.S. Military Don't bother to run... you'll only die tired.
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Smells like victory !
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Air Support
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DAILY HOROSCOPE Today is a good day to stay indoors. You might wanna stay away from the windows too. Keep the lights off, limit your movements. Have a wonderful life, while it lasts.
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Bed Bunker. The California King model (with the 105 gun capacity)
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Row, row.... Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] funpage ! :P
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Ready for zombie apocalypse?
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They will sleep wherever...someone please get them a pillow at least...
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His friends won't let him down. How about YOUR 300 facebook friends???
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Caption this !
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"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves" ~Abraham Lincoln Happy Birthday America !
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Happy Independence day! God bless America Change your cover photo to this one here: http://covernator.com/cover/731/independence_day.html
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Man is not free unless government is limited. ~Ronald Reagan
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Presidents Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela said Friday they were willing to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden. "We have decided to offer humanitarian asylum to the American Edward Snowden to protect him from the persecution being unleashed by the world's most powerful empire,'' Maduro said at the start of a military parade in the Venezuelan capital celebrating the 202nd anniversary of the South American country's declaration of independence. Maduro said Snowden's only crime was to tell the truth. What are your toughts?
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"We are surrounded... that simplifies our problem." Lt. General Lewis "Chesty" Puller
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Can I get a Big Mac with a side of Freedom ?
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The United States airforce
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US Army Retired
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Really nice post from Cheyenne J Brugh enlisted in the Marines. She created a photo of one of her modeling pictures that she would like to share. Enjoy !
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Sir, we are surrounded.....
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Walk the walk
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"Just because the past taps you on the shoulder, doesn't mean you have to look back"
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90,000 tons of diplomacy
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I'm made in U.S.A.
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Thank you Soldier !
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Peace: Sometimes a hug isn't enough
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BROTHERS don't always have the same last name !
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"Once a soldier, always a soldier"
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Friends for life !
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F-35 Lightning Come at me bro ! (post by Nathan McCore)
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There's strong then there's Army Strong.
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Marines: We don't do it because we have to We do it because we Want to !
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MARINE SNIPER "You can run, but you'll just die tired!"
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Lucky Charms: Sometimes is better to be Lucky than Good
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M2 Making red jelly out of the enemy since your grandpa was in diapers.
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Secure the building !
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We don't promise you a rose garden...
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The worst job ever !
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If it looks stupid, but it works it ain't stupid.
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No Target Shooting
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I got stuck in traffic !
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Welcome home soldier !
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Freedom is never free Thank you veterans !
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Originality: "If everybody is thinking alike - somebody is not thinking..."
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“Mess with the best; Die like the rest” ― U.S. Special Forces
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NEVER GO FULL OOORAH said no one ever !
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Courage: Bravery does not mean that you are scared - it means you go anyway. Thank you veterans !
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"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" - William Prescott
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Asur, a former U.S. Marines bomb-sniffing dog, lost his eyes due to the chemicals used in the bombs he sniffed. He worked in Afghanistan, but after a year serving his country, he became disabled and was forced to retire. RESPECT FOR VETERAN DOGS !
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You want to take our WHAT ?
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"No One Left Behind !" A young Marine is showing us that nice guys really do finish last. While running in The Jeff Drench Memorial 5K in Charlevoix, Mich., Lance Cpl. Myles Kerr stopped to help out a young boy struggling to finish the race. Kerr, 19, put aside his ambition to beat his fellow Marines and instead helped motivate 9 year-old Brandon Fuchs, who lost his party during the race, to make it to the finish line. According to the 5K results online, the Marine ended up with the slowest time in his age group.
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I.M. Before cell phones and computers we had another kind of "INSTANT MESSAGING".
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"No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms." ~Thomas Jefferson
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Battlefield Medic: "No Man is Left behind !"
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Share if you <3 your AR-15!!!
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Rules are rules. You have to keep your uniform ironed NO MATTER WHAT. or CAPTION THIS
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DRIFTING: Not the best idea in USS Nimitz, ... but still awesome !
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If naked girls on facebook cat get 1000 Likes How many can our female soldiers get??? Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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VICTORY KISS: This is one of them...
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Beer trap !
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NERD: Other guys bring extra ammo on ops. You bring your laptop...
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"It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it will not be fought on US soil." Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz
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"War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over." -William Tecumseh Sherman
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“It is fatal to enter a war without the will to win it.” ― Douglas MacArthur
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This is my shield !
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“Mess with the best; Die like the rest” ― U.S. Special Forces
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RESPECT ! More military pictures >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Sleep well America, we've got You covered. LIKE US HERE >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Respect our Fallen Heroes
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Who is your favorite superhero ?
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U.S. Navy "Any time, any where, always ready, always there". @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Welcome home dad ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Our nation's finest...Quidditch players. http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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U.S.AIR FORCE - "Above All"
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Super Tactical Handstand U.S. Military style More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Where LIBERTY dwells, there is MY COUNTRY. --Benjamin Franklin
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U.S. Coast Guard - "For all those times that the Navy is scared of the weather".
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College is good, my brothers are better. @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Bravery is what you DO despite fear. http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Loyalty - is running into a battlefield for you, before they even know your name. More Military Pictures >>>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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God Bless America !
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Heroes come in many shapes. Here are two of them.
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Then and now The uniforms may change, the battlegrounds may change, but Military men and women will always be America's heroes. LIKE US HERE >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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I Will Never... http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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We don't do drived bys... http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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We don't go there to talk. http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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U.S. Army Rangers Unfu*kwithable ! More here: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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LIKE = Respect ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Thank You All ! http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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100k fans reached! Semper Fi ! Join us >> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] #marines #military #army #semperfi #soldiers
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Like a boss ! http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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This homeless puppy found shelter with the US Army, shortly after this picture was taken he was adopted by a soldier returning to the states where he lives now. How many likes for this great soldier ??? More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Bunnies: The preferred pets for badasses. http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Rangers: Giving Marines a role model since 1751 http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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And God said, "Let there be Marines" and the Devil ran in fear http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Dude I'm kidding... http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Marines never die... http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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AIRBORNE: death from above @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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"Spirit of Freedom" more of NAVY: http://tinyurl.com/llxy2de
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"Rangers Lead The Way!"
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Sleep Tight.
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Rest Easy, I'll Stand The Watch http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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“We do this job because every once in a while someone is out there without hope, desperately praying for their life, and we get to be the answer.” ― U.S. Coast Guard http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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U.S. Air Force - Our Angels in the sky @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Navy Seals - And you thought sharks were the deadliest predators in the ocean http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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If it flies, it dies!!! Air defence artillery. http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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Row Row Row your boat.... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] http://covernator.com/cat/16/military.html
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And when he gets to heaven, he will say...
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YOUR SIX It's covered
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"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday..."
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Caption this !
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THANK YOU veterans !
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Seven continents, Five oceans, One team
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Home of the free, because of the brave.
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Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
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I have stared death in the face...but he blinked first.
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If you're going through hell, keep going. (user generated cover) Create your own: http://covernator.com/createcover.html
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The strongest walls are not made of stone, they are made of brave men.
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Land of the free, home of the brave.
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We don't make compromises. We make Marines.
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Please Hit 'Like' to send a PRAYER to our Troops
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When I grow up I want to be a MARINE
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"If you ain't pukin', you ain't runnin' hard enough!" What is/was your favourite DI quote?
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Border Patrol Try jumping over this one! More >> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] <<
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“Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” ― Douglas MacArthur @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Thank you veterans !
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Hit LIKE to show respect ! Former Marine Wen Jones, was viciously attacked by three 20 year olds who were picking on a teen. He was was brutally beaten after helping bullied 14yrs old. Jones suffered damage to his face, but says he would jump in again if he had to.
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Why Terrorists can't sleep at night...and the same reason why you can.
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GHOSTS Are Real...
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"I am not a Fighter...
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There are only two types of ships: Submarines and Targets... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Hundreds of strangers attended the funeral of a British veteran after a clergyman, fearing that the former Royal Marine would be buried without mourners, posted a message on Facebook asking people to attend. Hit LIKE to RESPECT !
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Hallelujah. Airborne!
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Caption this
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We Are U.S. Navy Seals - There's no reason to thank us because we don't exist. You never saw us. This never happened.
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Memorial Day Should Be Every Day.
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Ooo-RAH. Semper fi, Marine.
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Speed is Life - Altitude is life insurance. @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Spartan vs. Ninja Who would win? @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Come on guys let me in This ain't funny!
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Meanwhile in Arizona...
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Swiss army knife vs. Russian army knife
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Another day on the beach... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Mail day...bring our boys home soon.
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The unknown dead are hero's born, Their heart and soul on oath they've sworn, These hero's are the greatest man, Who proudly die to save the land.
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United we stand !
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These colours don't run !
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How Hollywood pistols work... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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USCG Budget Cuts :)
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God made Marines - so soldiers would have heroes...
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Light Weight Coast Guard
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Find the sniper!
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This soldier is reading a bed time story to his daughter over skype.
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Welcome to my home !
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The future of Military funding? You might also wanna check TOP 10 Most powerful Militaries in the world: http://covernator.com/articles/coverArticle.php?postId=82
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Thomas Leo Clancy, Jr. (April 12, 1947 – October 1, 2013) Rest in Peace Tom!
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Always try.....
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World War II memorial closed? So was Normandy beach! Don't forget to LIKE our FB page >>>@[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]<<<
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Amen to that !
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This we'll defend
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Family Portrait @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Can You Find the Eight Navy SEALs in This Picture?
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Overkill !
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We remember ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Go Navy Seals ! More fun >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] <<<
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Our flag...
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Congratulations it's a boy!
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You know what this baby going to be in the future! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Meanwhile in Russia... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Military cutbacks :)
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“Our present control of the sea is so absolute that it is sometimes taken for granted.” ―Chester W. Nimitz
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Meanwhile In The Ambush
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Tank vs tree
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New Air Force Fundraising Campaign
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Do you agree? @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Real heroes...
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Dogs in uniforms
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Sad but true... What do you think ?
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The best office view
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Blood, sweat & sacrifice this we'll defend.
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One does not simply close the WWII memorial for no reason... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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I stand ready, not for politics or for leaders. But for my brother next to me... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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God Bless !
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Oh, you have to wake up early? @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Just think about it....
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Dog: I’m afraid of heights!
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You've got your family I've got mine ! Don't forget to like our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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Happy to have them back ?
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If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid ! -Murphy's Law More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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I want to keep it forever !
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Murphy's Military law: When in doubt - empty your magazine... More fun at @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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16 Hour days... So.. what does that make THIS guy worth ? Don't forget to LIKE @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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What was YOUR worst/best day ever ? For daily updates - LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage !
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I have a rocket launcher Your argument is Invalid !
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Thanks to all who serve ! Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fanpage
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Thank you for my freedom !
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SEMPER FI: ALWAYS FAITHFUL @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Spetsnaz: 42 terrorists, 129 hostages, 171 bodybags Mission accomplished More fun at @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Army Rangers ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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America's team: The uniform worn by our REAL heroes! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Thank you Soldier!
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US ARMY Rangers...
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War does not determine who is right - only who is left...
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Medics = Angels in uniform
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They died for US We live for THEM
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THANK YOU. God bless them all !
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Happy Halloween !
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Land of the Free - Because of the Brave
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"Aim High...Fly-Fight-Win."
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People don't notice things WE do for them until...
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And God said, "Let there be Marines" and the devil ran in fear
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Leadership - It's not just telling people waht to do...
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Where LIBERTY dwells, there is MY COUNTRY.
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Don't make me get the -BIG GUNS- out !
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Casual Fridays - What do you wear to work today ?
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Please NEVER insult a military parent...
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Land of the FREE because of the BRAVE.
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Honoring all who served. VETERANS DAY. Don't forget to Like Us: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Thank you vets ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight ?
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U.S. Marines Helping a victim of the Philippines Typhoon Disaster.
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" May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't "
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A salute to the men & women of the USA military. Thank You!
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There are Angels on the battlefield. We call them 'Doc' @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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LIVE for something rather than DIE for nothing... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Freedom will last only as long as you defend it !
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Freedom si never granted. It is earned by each generation...
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I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. ...I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. Defenders of freedom.
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The Corps doesn't teach "I Can't." Semper Fi
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Remembering those that gave all
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Have a great day America, we got your back
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Oh, you taught your dog to roll over ? That's cute.
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Rain or Shine - Always There Don't forget to LIKE @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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We have done things, most people go to movies to see - US Army Airborne
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Lunch bag :)
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What's your favourite country? @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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It is the soldier....
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ALWAYS ... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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USMC Harley aka Marinemobile @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Alpha Team Ready !
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Badass ‘Militari Style' Ferrari @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Always keep them close
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To Those Who Serve, Thank You.
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A really cool travel sticker :)
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Thanksgiving Army Style
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Happy Thanksgiving
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Thanksgiving lol
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Happy Thanksgiving to our troops !
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Thank you to all our military men and women so far from their families this Thanksgiving holiday.
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What are you THANKFUL for this Thansksgiving ?
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Happy Thanksgiving to all our Military men & women. God bless and protect each and every one of you. Our page: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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You can choose only one! More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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My badass playstation controller. Do you like it? I heard that gov may try to take it away! ;) our page: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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True story !
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Keep calm and carry one...
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A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't... More at: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Rest in peace brothers !
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We fight - so you don't have to ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Remember the fallen
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Army flight medic
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LIKE if you know a hero!
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Military family reunited
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LIKE + SHARE to honor our veterans!
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When you see this happening you might as well just give up ! Our page: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet. General James Mattis
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Heart of Marine My heart beats USMC My mind always thinks Semper Fi !
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Hit LIKE for Thank you !
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Marines are MADE not born...
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In memory of those war dogs who were truly man's best friend
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No matter how brave...loss hurts
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Marines don't know how to spell word "defeat" More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Like if you agree
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Always faithful Do or die ! More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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One person can make a difference, and everyone should try. - John F. Kennedy-
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Happiness is a belt fed machine gun.
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Killed 10 insurgents with a grenade... before it exploded More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Support our troops
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21,800,000 Veterans Like this. Do you?
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Amen !
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“The Hard Goodbye”
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Sometimes it Rains.. Sometimes...
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"Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior." - Karl von Clausewitz
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Really nice vintage recruitment advert.
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Honor our veterans
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I'm here without you, baby...
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Oohrah !
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The sexiest heroes wear combat boots instead of Capes... Our page: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Marine Corps Mascot 'Chesty'
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Saluting American Heroes !
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A Military Helicopter as Santa’s Sleigh
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Ho Ho HO!!!!
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Blind Faith
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Grenades.... Hell yeahh !
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90.000 tons of diplomacy
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Call of what???
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This was created by 100 Officers and 9000 Enlisted Marines at the barracks on Parris Island. Oorah !
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Caption this :)
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Gunny Claus
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Eagle, Globe and Anchor!
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Our US Navy, guardians of peace, victorious at war. Go Navy!
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Navy diver plants American flag on U.S. aircraft shot down in WWII
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My General Doesn't Take S#!@
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Semper Fur !
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Right on time delivery !
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Merry Christmas and God bless our troops ! @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth !
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SHARE this and join us in welcoming our troops! LIKE if you are incredibly proud of our vets and troops!
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Home run practice...
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Dear @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] fans, we wish you a Happy New Year! Thank you for accompanying us through 2013.
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Flak jackets?...
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MARINES will fight to the end no matter what the cost.
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God bless all fallen soldiers !
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Go Navy !
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The freedoms we enjoy here in the US were paid for with the blood, sweat, and tears of brave American servicemen and women - many who paid the ultimate price by sacrificing their lives so others could remain free.
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Good morning America !
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The Old Corps
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To find us you must be good...
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Earned by few, envied by many
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The US Navy Kalmar... So awesome not even Batman has one!
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Dress code :)
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It is logical...
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Bolt actions speak louder than words
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You aren't given it, you earn it.
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It is the veteran... Tag yourself!
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Caption this...
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So, finals eh ?
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RESPECT ! Cpl. Sebastian Gallagos shows off his prosthetic arm featuring patches representing 3/5, the Wounded Warrior Regiment and other significant things in Gallagos’ life. Gallagos lost his right arm in an improvised explosive device blast and lives each day in memory of his comrades who didn’t survive the most dangerous part of Afghanistan — Sangin
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Business class ? No thank you !
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GAU-8 meets VW :)
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Army Not all heroes wear cap...
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Oh you taught your dog to roll over? That's cute !
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Yes Sir ! I will take care of mommy, I promise !
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A really cool car decal!
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Oh, you play Call of duty? That's so cute !
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Hearing protection
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What a selfie :) more @ @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -General George S. Patton, Jr. What do you think?
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HEART is when your body quit 8 miles ago, but you kept pushing through.
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Infantry problem solving
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I proudly support the U.S Military. Share if you are with me
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You might be a patriot, IF... Later today, Coffee will graduate from the army's Airborne School at Fort Benning, Ga. He says he doesn't miss the NFL, and that serving in the military is a much better use of his gifts than playing professional football.
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Bad day?
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The United States flag
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To all who protect and serve, we sincerely thank you and salute you!
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You haven't truly lived until you've fought for something worth dying for.
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ALL gave some, but some gave ALL. God bless our troops.
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Think again !
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Faith in humanity restored
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Not for self but for country
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Honoring the service and sacrifice of prisoners of war and those missing in action.
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Looking Good! USA Flag Of Freedom
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All of us are born, but some...
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You are never alone
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Army tattoos - Building cultural bridges one word at a time
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Six thing you don't mess with
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God bless all military families
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We own the night
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Absolutely !
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For God and Country
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If you heard my shot...
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Bravery is being the only one who knows yo're affraid.
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Roger that!
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A living, breathing page of American history! Roy Hawthorne, Navajo Code Talker. USMC. He walked the 2 mile parade route. Two Navajo Marines are helping him with the last 1,2 mile.
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Thank you to all our deployed troops serving, our veterans, and military families. We are forever grateful for your sacrifice & service. May God Bless you & keep you safe.
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155mm of pure good old fashioned democracy
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6am and you're trying to sleep ?
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If not us, then who? If not now, then when ?
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Of all our rights, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.
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Deployment Strong Because saying good bye to daddy never gets easier. (Sent by C Willson)
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Amen !!
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There are no Ex-Marines
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Fallen, but not Forgotten
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It's sad that actresses, singers, athletes etc get paid more than soldiers do.
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Thank You to all who have served!
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I will fear no evil
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Share if... You respect our band of brothers fighting overseas. OOORAH!
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Thank God for those who would fight for Your right to sleep Safe tonight...
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Be strong when you are weak...
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One of the sweetest sounds you'll ever hear
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Two roads diverged in a wood...
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The grim reaper has come for you on this night...
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I'm thankful for their sacrifices for America
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Let Freedom Ring
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Freedom fighters.
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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes Remembering a War Hero: Gabe was a retired military working dog and winner of the 2012 American Humane Association Hero Dog Award. He participanted in 210 missions while serving in the military.
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USMC - We fight what you fear !
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Greatness runs deep - United States NAVY
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He Still Loves His Country! God Bless Them All!
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Diplomacy - The Art of Saying "Nice Doggy" Until Your Sniper Gets The Range
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Together We Served !
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Rest in Peace Brother
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Don't Tread On Me !
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'Airplanes are interesting toys, but of no military value'
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Military Heroes More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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First in last out.
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It maybe Your Right to not Stand for the Pledge, but before you decide... More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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The Only appropriate time to cry.
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It was a tough night for Broncos fans...
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Combat Medic... @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Motivation: When loosing a limb can't stop you from accomplishing your mission. @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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11 Soldiers are traveling to Sochi, Russia to compete in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. Are you ready ? It is starting today.
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Support our troop defending American freedom Honor those who never return!
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If you can read this...
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Out of Ammo ?
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Marine Corps heroes !
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Veterans - LIKE = Respect
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Peace - through superior firepower More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Think before you judge !
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HONOR... More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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VIGILANCE We serve well so others can sleep well.
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Your freedom their lifes, without complaint
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You can find 100 reasons to quit; the trick is... to find that ONE reason to KEEP GOING!
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This kid gets it ! More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Vengeance is mine...
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New Olympic discipline
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Combat Medic: No Man is left behind !
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40mm suppository!
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Lucky Charms...
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U.S. Marine anatomy More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Budget cuts More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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Support our troops We stand UNITED !
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George W. Bush locks eyes with US Army 1st Lieutenant Melissa Stockwell, the first female American soldier to lose a limb in the war in Iraq. Here, Stockwell is reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
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I don't know about you but I could hardly see these Chinese bike snipers with those plants tied to their heads!
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Sh#t just got serious !
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What are your thoughts? (Invasion of Crimean Peninsula - Russian Forces and movements)
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Korean army Gangnam Style
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Wow, you take selfies in the bathroom? That's cute !
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My latest upgrade !
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Welcome home Dad !
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Honor the fallen
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Makes my heart melt
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This deserves respect !
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Best push-ups ever
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When S**t hits the fan.
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They said I could do anything...
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In Honor Of ALL God bless and thank you R.I.P. to all who gave all.
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Army Infantry
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This is a face of honor, integrity, and valor. I wish I had a face like that.
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Courage above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.
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Hilarious !
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Semper Fi!
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The two most important days of your life....
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Military cutbacks
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Once a Marine, Always a Marine!
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When life knocks you down, get back on your feet again.
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Someone like it HOT
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Auto correct...! (by Carl E. Gessler)
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"The object of war is to not die for your country but make the other bastard die for his". - General George S. Patton
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The only man standing... is the man in a wheelchair... RESPECT! More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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The strongest walls are not made of stones they are made of brave men!
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U.S. Marine corps HOUSE OF PAIN Share the spirit on with your fellow patriots! Install our brand new "Military Quotes app" to your Android Smartphone and let us know if you like it. Download here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.covernator.fb.military.quotes
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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
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Your point is shallow my points are hollow
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72 Virgins dating service
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Very true...
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A dog and his best friend...brings tears to my eyes...
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Did someone order some freedom?
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Gone but never forgotten!!
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How did you know?
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The tattoo of wounded soldier becomes truth: "For those I love I will sacrifice"
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Thania Sayne leans on the headstone of her husband the day before their wedding anniversary on 16 October 2013.
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THANK YOU for your service
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Not all heroes wear capes...
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This vintage picture is simply EPIC !
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One of my favorite song! :)
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Every good soldier Need a butt kitty
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Patrick "Pat" Tillman (1976-2004) Corporal, USA Ranger, 2002-04, War in Afghanistan. Killed by "friendly fire" while on a combat mission in the mountains of Afghanistan. Awarded Silver Star & Purple Heart. Football linebacker. Arizona Cardinals 1998-2001. After the 9-11 attack he turned down an offer of over one million dollars a year for three years from the Cardinals to enlist in the Army. A true HERO
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Bulldog pup planning his future
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True Hero
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He Who Is Brave, Is Free.
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Overheard Radio conversation
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This one's a classic
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Some guys are into golf and shaving...
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Support Our Troops
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American Warriors - We Will Never Forget get this patch - www.amazon.com/American-Warriors-inch-Back-Patch/dp/B00BJLARL6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_ac_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=11BBAKEG07MVZ2RPP4QF&tag=cvrntr-20
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All gave some...Some gave all.
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A heartfelt thank you to my family members and their families who are serving our country. (by Lisa Ward Crowe)
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A salute to you, sir! More: @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes]
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God Bless all of the brave men & women past and present who have served and continue to service this country with honor. patch: http://www.amazon.com/Patch-Military-Defender-Christmas-Valentines/dp/B00FZ3O1CK/ref=sr_1_5?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1402402952&sr=1-5&keywords=fallen+heroes&tag=cvrntr-20
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D-Day anniversary runaway Bernard Jordan receives 'overwhelming' 2,500 birthday cards. Thank you for your service!
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Obama presents Medal of Honor to Marine, 24, who lost an eye and part of his jaw when he jumped on a grenade to shield his comrade. Respect!
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The Army told me to be all I could be, so I became a Marine.
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No matter the branch of service. We are all a team. U.S. Military Thank You!
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Thank you to all of the men and women who serve in the United States Military and protect our independence. Your sacrifice to our country makes you a hero in my eyes. And while you are stationed around the world, I would also like to thank your families for their sacrifice and for sharing you with all of us. This Independence Day, don’t forget to thank those who serve for protecting our freedoms and allowing us to continue to live in the greatest country in the world.
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Please on this day remember all those that have fought for our freedom.
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Super heroes don't wear capes, they wear dog tags.
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Military dog hero!!
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The 10 Most Powerful Militaries In The World
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I proudly support the U.S Military.
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If you heard the shot... it wasn't meant for you
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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hollow points expand on impact.
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Six things you don't mess with...
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ISIS rebels are heavily armed...
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Well said!
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Sad when this happens
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One man might not change the world, but a pissed off squad can.
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Trick or Treat
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30 MM.
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Brave men think of themselves not as brave, but as guardians of the one next to them.
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Coincidence? I think not.
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A little girl in foreign country...
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The True Patriot
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All gave some, some gave all.
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Honoring all who served.
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My heart remains strong...
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Home of the Free because of the Brave.
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Pride and Respect!
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Every Day is Memorial Day.
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Weapons Change, Warriors Don't.
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Arguing with the girlfriend
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90 lbs of "lightweight" gear.
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When someone says their job is "tough"... just laugh.
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U.S. Coast Guard, America's Forgotten Heroes.
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Thank You All and Happy New Year!
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The Marine Corps Lives Forever.
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United States Navy: "Honor, Courage, Commitment"
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Happy New Year To You...
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When life closes a door, breach the wall and walk in like a boss!
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Proud to serve those who have served America so well!
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Camouflage Practice: -SMITH!!!! -Yes, Sir! -I did't see you in the camouflage practice today -Thank you Sir!
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Side by side to hell and back!
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Some people just need a pat on the back... from 1000 yards. military flashlight: http://tinyurl.com/nla9wrc
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Listen up, ya damn commies...
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The Few, the Proud, the Marines. military flashlight: http://tinyurl.com/nla9wrc
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The Small Arms Grenade Munition prototype is a 40mm counter-defilade, air-bursting grenade designed for both the M203 and M320 launchers.
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To Those Who Serve, Thank You.
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If everything around you is exploding...it's probably us. - U.S. Army Rangers
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Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know, live and die on this day, live and die on this day.
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Caption this
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My body is exhausted my brain is too but my heart remains strong and i still coming for you.
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True American Hero!
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"Live for something rather than die for nothing."
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Did You Know?
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You can watch the clouds go by... ...or fly above them. United States Air Force.
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Brothers In Arms!
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Remembering our Fallen Heroes, and those that serve us each and every day!
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Never give up !
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"AROMA THERAPY". Download our app with more images here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.covernator.fb.military.quotes For more Soldiers in action, Military jokes and Humor, armed forces slogans, proud Veterans or homecoming of War heroes, please try our Android Phone app. This app is simply your window into the heart and soul of the slogan "Be all you can be" Our app is FREE. Try it now.
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This flag always assaults forward.
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What a Legend
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Marines strong!
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THANK YOU! Get the free @[400589423427970:274:Military Flashlight - Android OS] app for your phone (no extra permissions).
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These bikers are former Marines. They are hydrating & putting a cold compress on the neck of a proud Marine as he stood in his dress blues in 105* weather, holding his salute for the entire Rolling Thunder event in Washington D.C. Semper Fi
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Even soldiers watch Frozen
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It was a good day!
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Marines don't die, they just go to hell and regroup.
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Yo Dawg...
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Takes your breath away...
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Bomb Patrol Afghanistan Rockin' it!!!!! Thank you guys for protecting us and fighting for us!!! God be with you always!!!
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"You can run but you only die tired." Do not forget to like our FB page >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] <<<
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Rules of war: "You can run but you only die tired." Don't forget to like our FB page >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] <<< for more!
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Victory in the morning.
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Who let the hogs out????
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Firing 30mm cannon shells....
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Amazing door gunning
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Bush Life Rule #16
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I was prepared to serve, I was prepared to be wounded, I was prepared to die...
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Patience is bitter...
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Happy Easter!
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American in Paris: Harvey, an elderly American absentmindedly arrived at French immigration at Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris and fumbled for his passport. 'You have been to France before Monsieur?' the official asked in an aggressive tone. Harvey, smiled and admitted that he had been to France before. 'In that case you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection,' barked the bad-tempered officer. Harvey gently informed the man that the last time he came to France he did not have to show his passport or any other documents. 'Pas possible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in 'la belle France.' Harvey gave the Frenchman a long hard look. 'I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day IN 1944, THERE WAS NO DAMNED FRENCHMAN ON THE BEACH ASKING FOR PASSPORT!!!
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Freedom is not free!
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Some men just don't need an umbrella
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"You can have excuses or you can have results." Stay fit - Military Fit!
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The United States Air Force
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My heroes...
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"The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared." General Patton For more Military Quotes - don't forget to LIKE our FB page >>> @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] <<<
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Navy SEALS and Navy DOGS! -incredible
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An instructor monitors SEAL Qualification Training candidates while they spend five minutes in near freezing water during a re-warming exercise.
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Guardian angel.
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Cloudy, with a chance of an ass whoopin'
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Marines - First to fight
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We are only the best because of you!
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Land of the free because of the brave.
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Defending the American Flag - long may it wave
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Thanks to our military for protecting our land!!
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Don't mind me - just making freedom angels.
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Can I get a Big Mac?
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Happy Mother's Day
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Never Forget
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This is my stick...
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Let freedom fly, strong and proud.
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We are surrounded. That simplifies our problem of finding these people and killing them. Lt. Gen. Lewis 'Chesty' Puller
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The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle! General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing
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They said I could do anything. So I became a soldier ...
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"May God have a mercy upon enemies. Because I won't." -General Patton
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Weapons of the U.S. Military
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Forgiveness: Forgive your enemies but remember their names!
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Air superiority: The only reason to fly below 10,000 ft. is a photo-op.
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Do you remember?
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Real Heroes cry too!
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Tell us again congress....
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Only a few understand what it is like to be 19 and write your own will...
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To those who sacrifice their whole world...Thank You!
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Saluting a hero
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All kids should see this...
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In case you thought it was national BBQ day...
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Such a Moving picture, no words can describe this, but the tears will flow...
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When you go home, tell them of us and say, for their tomorrow , we gave our today. Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] page.
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Ready for all scenarios...
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It is foolish and wrong to mourn men who have died. Rather we should thank God such men lived... ----George S. Patton
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Land of the Free because of the brave !
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Deserving of our honor this memorial day...
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ARMY: Not all heroes wear capes.
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Accepting challenges is strong, seeking them out is Army Strong.
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Think like men of action. Act like men of thought. Live life with intensity and a passion for excellence. ---Gen. James Mattis
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Semper Fi
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When I die and go to heaven to St. Peter I will tell, "One more soldier reporting for duty, Sir, I've served my time in hell..."
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You aren't given it YOU EARN IT.
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A picture is worth a thousand words...
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Ever happened to you?
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At 14 I worked 12 hour shifts at the steel mill. Know what my vacation was? Jumping from a plane to shoot nazis.
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It is not a sniper cloud it's just Chris Kyle protecting the heavens.
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Only the dead have seen the end of war. --Plato
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Honor The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is whether they use human shields or make themselves human shields...
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You cannot run faster than a bullet. --Idi Amin
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If you can find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere. --Unknown
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I am a Soldier, I fight where I am told, and I win where I fight. --George S. Patton---
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The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. ---Norman Schwarzkopf
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Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong... --Ronald Reagan
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VENI VIDI VICI (I came, I saw, I conquered) ----Julius Caesar
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There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.
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"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." ---Nathan Hale, (his final words before being hanged by the British)
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The M-1 does my talking. --Unknown
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"Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition" Thank You All Veterans!
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Proud to be an American!
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Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. ----Vince Vaughn
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Man and his machine.
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U.S. Army: We don't do drive bys... We stop.
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Happy 240th Birthday U.S. Army !!!
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The next time you have a "hard" day at work, think of him, and say a prayer of thanks.
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"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." - Matthew 5:9
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Still on patrol...
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Warflix - War Movies Who does not like free movies? The Warflix application runs in your web browser and connects you to a large database of free historical war movies you can watch on your Android smartphone, tablet or computer for free.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.covernator.warflix
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Happy Father's day!
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Being a Soldier is more than courage. It's sacrificing yourself for something greater than yourself.
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What scent is that ?
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No excuses...
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90,000 tons of diplomacy
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.45 ACP Because shooting twice is silly...
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Those who pay the ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten
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When the world calls on America, America calls on us. - U.S. Navy
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Because reloading is stupid.
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"Your excuse is invalid." --Marine Corporal Todd Love (lost both legs and part of his left arm after stepping on an IED in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.)
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Sometimes we rush in after the storm. Sometimes we are the storm.
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Tell her to get in the kitchen, I dare you.
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“Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” ― Douglas MacArthur
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This is my gun permit...
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Once a Soldier Always a Soldier
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WW2 Russian tank army veteran has finally found his own tank on which he passed through all the war standing in small Russian town.
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Navy Hide and Seek champion...
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Just chillin'
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The 4th of July...
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Happy Independence Day!
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Good morning America.... Happy Independence Day!
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Country code? 1, of course!
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Nothing stops Toyota!
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"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." --General George, four star U.S. Army General
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I did it because I was told it was hard to do.
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Our fallen warriors. Gone but NEVER forgotten!
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Excuse me, Sir...
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Motivation: Sometimes all you need are a few words of encouragement.
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Here kitty, kitty, kitty...
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Soldiers never change.
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When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat! --Ronald Reagan
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You are never alone
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Have you?
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Things are about to get serious!
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We'll fight them, sir, 'til hell freezes over, and then, sir, we will fight them on the ice.
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True heroes!
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Always Ready!
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Honor the fallen !
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US Army Strong
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Air Force budget cuts...
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Blood. Sweat. Tears. This is what sacrifice looks like.
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The Marine Corps Way!
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Warrior's Heart.
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"The dog represents all that is best in man." --Etienne Charlet
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Excuse us while we prepare to play you the song of our people.
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"Honor, Courage, Commitment"
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This is why I can't take my Marine friends to the beach.
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Sometimes, The Burden is Heavy.
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I fear no evil, because I am the shadow and I own the valley.
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"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon"
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Together We Fight!
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A Coast Guard Hero...here's a Newfoundland dog getting ready to jump into the ocean to make a rescue of a person in distress.
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People will follow your example, not your advice.
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Say it, write it or show it: Our service members -- past and present -- deserve our thanks!
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The calm before the storm
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Paying respects to our fallen heroes.
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Hulk Smash!!! This man used permanent submarine paint (he'd used a paint reserved for ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines) to dress like the Hulk. After unsuccessfully trying to remove the paint, his mother came to help with industrial cleaning materials.
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Veteran - Thank you for your service!
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The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle.
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It's kind of like extreme sports..... #airborne
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God Bless America and a huge Thank You for all of those who fought for the freedom we have today!!!
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Sometimes we rush in after the storm. Sometimes we are the storm.
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Funny, unless you're on that op
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You are never alone
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Remembering a hero: Bruno, Cann's military working dog lays at his master's grave...
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As long as there are United States Marines There will be a United States of America
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Never Forget, Freedom Isn't Free.
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It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand days as a lamb.
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We don't do drive bys...We stop.
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if you're reading this it's too late
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Never Forget
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Sleep well America, we have your six.
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God Bless our soldiers and God Bless their faithful canine guardians!
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Remembering our Fallen Heroes, and those that serve us each and every day!
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'The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.'
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One day your life will flash before your eyes. Do something worth watching.
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Pararescue. Because even SEALs, Green Berets and Recon Marines need to call 911.
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When life knocks you down, calmly get back up, smile, and say, ''You hit like a b**ch.''
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You aren't given it, YOU EARN IT.
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You may be cool...
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Best job I've ever had! Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] FB page!
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Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
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United States Navy - Because peace does not preserve itself.
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Variety, the spice of life.
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I am the Sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.
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Thank our Military and their Families for carrying the load
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If It Looks Stupid But Works, It's Not Stupid.
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Daddy's little girl, the reason daddy does what he does.
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Those who serve deserve honor and respect. Thank you!
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Freedom isn't free
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Semper Fi. They had your back even when you didn't have theirs.
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"A pint of sweat, saves a gallon of blood." - George S. Patton
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When the tech Sgt says - you only can have one.
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Keep calm and fire for effect.
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If the cost is the loss of the life, then let it be my loss and not that of my brother. For it is he I fight for. It is he that i will die for.
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Semper Fi
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They have us surrounded. Those poor bastards!
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The greatest casualty is being frogotten. Support our Veterans!
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There is No Such Thing as an Ex-Marine.
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This is Our Land.
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Never forgotten
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To all who serve, thanks for walking the walk.
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Knock Knock
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....neither do sisters.
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"The nation which forgets its deffenders will itself be forgotten." -Calvin Coolidge
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Only 1% of the population has what it takes to fill these boots. God Bless them!
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God, Guns & Guts made America Free. Let's keep it that way.
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F-130 upgrade :)
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The character of a US Soldier
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Honor their sacrifice!
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Your college is worth its weight in gold. My service is worth its weight in Freedom.
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Military = Family
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All Gave Some - Some Gave All
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Fight 'em until hell freezes over, and then fight 'em on the ice.
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Your Freedom Their lives, without complaint.
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Sacrifice: "Part of the American dream is to live long and die young. Only those Americans who are willing to die for their country are fit to live." -General Douglas MacArthur
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US Navy Special Warfare Combatant Crafts(SWCC): "The SEAL Team's Best Friend"
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Please excuse us....
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What's your take on it ?
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For those who understand, no explanation is necessary....
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This is strong! "For those I love I will sacrifice"
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Throws a grenade and kills 10 people, and then the grenade explodes. For more Military fun / quotes please do not forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] FB page! Thanks.
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Stay low, go fast kill first, die last one shot, one kill no luck - all skill
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When an insurgent takes a selfie on the wrong phone...
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Same nightmare, different day.
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The True Patriot!
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Welcome to my home!
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Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier.
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Caption this...
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Well said!
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I'm not handicapped.....
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I'm sorry sir...
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I believe in God and Guns...
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"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't " -General G.S. Patton
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From Paris with love... Get ready Isis
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I only did it because I was told it was hard to do...
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I have stared death in the face...
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Army Soldiers find ways to entertain themselves during their free time - Army-style handstands!
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If it looks stupid, but it works - it ain't stupid...
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Your excuse is invalid.
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Loyalty: Is running into a battlefield for you, before they even know your name...
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Officers: Making simple shit hard since 1775
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Gets pulled over - lets cop off with a warning.
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If you could have 3 - which ones would you choose ?
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Nothing says I love my job better than tossing a grenade in a room with a -smile-.
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God bless them!
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Hello ISIS - my name is R2-FU!
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No hard feelings but couldn't help not posting it
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Sgt. Zachary Stinson, USMC, uses his arms to stand for the playing of the National Anthem. Words cannot explain how inspiring this is. Respect!
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Happiness is a belt fed weapon
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"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his" -General George S. Patton
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We don't know them all, but we owe them all.
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Gred Gadson, a lieutenant colonel w/ the Second Battalion & 32nd Field Artillery, was returning from a memorial service for 2 soldiers when his vehicle passed a roadside bomb on 5/7/07. Gadson remembers the detonation sending his body tumbling through rubble, then medics placing him on a stretcher in a helicopter, his severed feet sitting in his lap. He awakened days later at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., his legs amputated above the knees. Respect !
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If you don't stand behind our troops... please feel free to stand in front of them.
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Why did I become a paratrooper?
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"Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." --Ronald Reagan
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If you hide it, we will find it
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Make no mistake. That flag isn't flying backwards. It's assaulting forwards.
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I salute every soldier, American or otherwise, who ever risked his life to protect those who could not protect themselves.
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Army values...
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Only a few understand, what it's like to be 19 and write your own will...
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'nuff said
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God Bless America!
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This is strong...
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Thank you U.S. Veterans!
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Only 1% of the population had what it takes to fill these boots!
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Glen Coffee says he doesn't miss the NFL, and that serving in the military is a much better use of his gifts than playing professional football... RESPECT!
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We salute you. God bless you !
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If you hide it, we will find it.
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Beginning of enlistment vs. end of enlistment.
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Christmas is near!!! All the best from @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] page!
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The oldest and youngest Medal of Honor recipients.
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This Oath never expires!!!
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H.A.L.O. Jump! With style like a boss!
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Fellow marines knock out 25 final push ups for their fallen comrade.. Rest easy - we will take it from here. True honor !
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! (The battleship USS IOWA, decorated with Christmas lights cca 1984)
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Where the hell do you put the bayonet?
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Caption this
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Thank you God for those who teach us the true nature of giving.
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Col. Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, hand-to-hand combat expert, 1943. Known for ordering trainee Marines to attempt to kill him with bayonets, and disarming them all.
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Seals: in their natural habitat.
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If you walked in our boots....
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Not all business suits are created equal.
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To all who serve, THANKS for walking the walk!
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Delta Force circa 480BC
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Swift. Silent. Deadly. We are that which keeps the wolves at bay.
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A cool salute to our troops! Happy New Year everyone!
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Warriors: All gave some - some gave all !
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Military Medics: Everybody loves Doc
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I heard your eyeballs move!
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We like this one...
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No machine can be equal to a real hero. What do you think?
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"Happiness is a belt fed weapon." --General 'Mad Dog' Mattis.
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Veterans: All shapes and sizes (and species)
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If you heard my shot, you were not the target...
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Flashbangs - nobody's friend.
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"Lead me, follow me ...or get the hell out of my way" --George S. Patton, Jr.
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Thank you for our freedom.
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USMC - Yeah, we got 'em
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Got enough 40mm's? Hell no, this is the USMC!
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So that all may enjoy heavenly freedom, we need those few who can bring hell unto the earth.
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God bless all Military Families.
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Land of Free, Because of the Brave.
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Because sharing is caring.
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Until my dying breath, I will bear the honor of the banner.
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Standing guard, yet again. R.I.P. Seal Kyle.
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Screw you and anyone within 15 meters of you!
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Evil is Powerless, if the Good are Unafraid. -Ronald Reagan
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Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance and my kindness for weakness.
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A wise man once said, "Never start an argument with a man who can end you from another zip code"
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Thank you All!
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When your job requires you to write your blood type on your boots... you have earned the title HERO.
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For those who made the ultimate sacrifice, We Are Forever Thankful.
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This Force is always awake. U.S. Navy.
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Never doubt the power of any soldier who wears this flag
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What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger
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"I will love you every step of the way"
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Prayer for our deployed military ~ALWAYS !
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True Hero
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Haha, this one is funny!
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The next time you have a "hard" day at work, think of him, and say a prayer of thanks.
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"I might give my life for my friend, but he had better not ask me to do up a parcel."
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Your freedom - their lives, without complaint...
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How did you know?
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Instant Diarrhea The moment ... the two bushes stand up...
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Bad News Travels fast...
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God Bless & Protect Our Troops...
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Remember Everyone Deployed
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Freedom is not Free!
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This came in from our fans in the UK.
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Your dog fetches balls? Wow that's cute! Check out what military dogs are capable of: http://covernator.com/articles/coverArticle.php?postId=47
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Thank God for those who would fight for your right to sleep safe tonight...
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Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?
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Recession hits the US Military :)
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I Am an American Airman, Guardian Of Freedom & Justice - A Verse from the U.S. Air Force Airman's Creed
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You mother fork lifter...
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The American Soldier: Most valuable player of the year...
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There is no racial bigotry here: Here, you are all equally worthless! ---Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
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Yes, he is!
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Very True!
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War Dogs are Beyond brave.... They are Heroes.
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Thank you to all.
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Here comes the pain.
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Last veteran of his WWII battle group marching alone in Memorial Day Parade.
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The first Men’s Health Ultimate Guy recounts his amazing journey, from the dark days after his war injury to becoming a new man As disabled war veteran and Dancing with the Stars finalist Noah Galloway’s reign as Men’s Health’s Ultimate Guy draws to a close, he looks back at the decade-long journey that made him the man he is today. And the pictures he snapped along the way. Noah's transformation was remarkable, and an inspiration for all of us. Who's going to be the next Men’s Health Ultimate Guy? We have no idea. The contest is far from over. There is no winner yet. It's possible the winner hasn't even signed up. Maybe he's out there right now, reading this, wondering if he should take a chance and put his name in the running. But he's not sure. Why would he, of all people, get picked as the Ultimate Guy?
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A soldier gives his-her life to make ours better. God bless our military and our vets.
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Napalm, it smells like victory!
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Knock, knock!
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Light 'em up. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap, your life is expensive!
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Thank you!
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What is YOUR Branch? *To interact, simply hover your mouse over the LIKE BUTTON (don’t click). The new Reactions icons will pop up and you can click on the one that best fits your communicative need.
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Words to live by
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I know why they didn't call me back.
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''Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.'' -Winston Churchill
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Remember the fallen.
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This is what a HERO looks like.
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Re-enlisting like a boss!
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Some men just don't need an umbrella.
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Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
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Go ahead and run... He likes FAST FOOD!
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Aroma Therapy
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When you miss me just look up to the sky and remember, I'm like a star, sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there.
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So sad :(
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A brave few. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
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If you're reading this - it's too late...
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Female Marines. The real Bad Girls Club!
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The strongest walls are not made of stone. They are made of brave men.
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Sergeant major bait
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World War II paratroopers sitting across from themselves in the same plane that dropped them into Normandy on D-Day. Thank you for your brave service to our nation. God bless.
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U.S. Army Snipers...
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They have us surrounded....
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The best defense against evil men...
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This is a HERO.
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This is our land
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For those I love I will sacrifice.
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Nothing says I love my job better than tossing a grenade in a room with a smile.
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American All Star.
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It's not a sniper cloud. It's just Chris Kyle protecting the heavens.
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Once a Marine, Always a Marine.
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Honoring all who served. Thank you!
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Create your veteran's badge here: http://www.iservedmy.country
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6 things you don't mess with...
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The crazy thing about this shot is the crew chief standing at the door.
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Never miss the chance to tell a soldier, man or woman how much you thank them for the sacrifice's they have made for us and for America. If you see them in your town please walk right up to them and let them know that they are in your prayers and we do love and appreciate them.
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Land of the Free...Because of the Brave!
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Basic training is really easy, except..
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Pray for our Military. God bless them all!
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American Sacrifice
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Bless America's Heroes
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God Bless them - they are the reason we are here and have freedom! Let's not allow it to be stolen away!
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U.S. American Heroes ... thanks for your sacrifice! #iservedmycountry
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PLA Navy
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The Few, The Proud.
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Vietnam Vet
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We honor you...we thank you!
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T-Rex hates pushups
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Vietnam Veteran
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All Gave Some, Some Gave All.
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Thank you all!
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That look you make, when someone disrespects our troops.
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MEMORIAL DAY - We will not forget
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Military humor
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Generate your veteran badge now! Somalia, Korea, Haiti, Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, Lebanon and Persian Gulf added... http://iservedmy.country/veteran/
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Sometimes getting ready for work doesn't suck
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When the sh*t hits the fan...
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Go ahead, wade in the memorial. No respect!
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''Marines run towards our bullets!''
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Thank you for being MY HERO!
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New veteran badge added - "Cold War" Create your here: http://iservedmy.country/veteran/
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Thank God for our brave men.
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Someone died for me today. I will endeavor to be worthy of that.
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The U.S. Army was created by an act of the Continental Congress in 1775, 241 years ago, today.
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God Bless Each and Every One of You!
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Some Gave All
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Why am I the best?
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Six things you don't mess with...
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I will hold the line!
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I'm the sheepdog - I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf!
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This round is on me...
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Please be courteous with Fireworks...
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You might be badass... but you'll never be old school frogman in UDT shorts firing an M60 off a carriers deck badass....
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Why Did I Become a Paratrooper? Because football, baseball and basketball only require one ball!
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Happy Independence Day!
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MILITARY HEROES...they keep our freedom for us. We salute you on our country's Independence Day.
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Hope I don’t get shot, all I have is a debit card...
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Flashbangs - nobody's friend
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Sniping like a boss
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Don't eat Mexican food before flying a jet...
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Best first aid kit ever...
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I don't know what it was but it is dead now...
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Neighborhood watch
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I'm not a virgin but...
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Never leave a man behind... Where/when did you serve? Click here to get your badge. http://iservedmy.country/
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Pokemon Afghanistan...
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Here we go again...
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Real life heroes wear Dog Tags
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A soldier gives his-her life to make ours better. God bless our military and our vets.
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If you don't stand behind our troops... please feel free to stand in front of them.
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A wise man once said.
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Somewhere, someone out there...
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ALL branches of our military are strong, brave, faithful and necessary to the mission! They All stand ready to lay their lives down for our freedoms! They ALL deserve our honor and respect!
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Lest We Forget
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Semper Fi
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Hell Yeah!
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Like a beer pong... for a real men.
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Navy diver plants American flag on U.S. aircraft shot down in WWII.
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This movie looks like it... stinks. ~Will
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Black Friday outfit
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Canadian special forces... ;)
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From Sweden with love...
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"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"
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Brotherhood means: I will always come for you no matter the cost.
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My kind of view...
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Put LIKE if you are watching her bottom COMMENT if you are watching her rifle ;)
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I want a target....
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My dreaming room
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I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done.
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My new car...
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The man who only winks once...
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My new coffee table...
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Nothing is impossible...
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To die in combat is an honor, to live is a privilege.
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Life is like 2 jars of bullets, you never know what caliber you're gonna get.
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Follow your dreams...
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What do you think?
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He likes camo...
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So where are the pirates...??!
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In Memory of 9.11.2001. We will never forget
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In Memory Of Our Fallen Heroes
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The most precious metals on Earth...
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I'm sorry what was that? I can't hear you with my 5 navy crosses banging together...
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Respect! Don't forget to LIKE our @[359279717487046:274:Military quotes] FB page!
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The Last Veteran...
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Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.
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WWll veteran, he is 91 yrs. Thank you for your service. Big respect !!! (From our fan Oscar A. Martinez, old Ramey Base Aguadilla,PR) Send us more vets pictures. We will publish!
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For all who served - THANK YOU!
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Knock, knock...
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First day on the job...
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I am a soldier
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We love this sticker...
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When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our today.
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BIG Thank you...
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That look...
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When your job requires you to write your blood type on your boots... You have earned the title HERO...
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Human beings are made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called COURAGE... -George S. Patton Jr.
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Rough morning commute???
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If you get a little sea sick....
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The Interpreter: Suddenly everyone speaks English.... Strange.
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Just walking her dog....
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Because reloading is stupid...
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K-9 Kael supervising the helipad
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FACT..The old ones have learned to survive...
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Honoring Veterans on Veterans Day! ! !
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Veterans Day - thank you to all who defend our country. To parents teach your children about veterans day, and why it is so important.
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This is true love... RIP William Todd
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Only those who have seen this look know what comes next...
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Where suicide bombers go after they die???
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Somebody is raising them right...
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Can you operate this?
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Only those who served will understand!
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To all who protect and serve, we sincerely thank you and salute you!
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Protecting his late master one last time. Bless our troops and military dogs !
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Ready for Christmas?
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We are family!
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To those who serve - THANK YOU!
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Different kind of brotherhood...
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God bless America!!!
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One thing you will never, ever forget? Being on a commercial flight, and the crew makes an announcement, that it is their HONOR to be a part of escorting a fallen soldier home. They ask after landing, that everyone remain seated while the military escort team sideboards. Of course, during this time, the plane is silent, except for the sound of the casket being unloaded from the cargo hold. Pray for our heroes and their families. Thank you.
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This is awesome! He asked for his Dad to come home....
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if I look at this too long I will cry...
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You used to call me...
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U.S. Army Rangers...
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Ninja Jump
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And a safety brief was born that day....
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Only 1% of the population has what it takes to fill these boots. God Bless them!
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This one is funny!
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Did you miss me?
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Not everyone goes home for thanksgiving...
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Thanksgiving dinner...
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No guts - no glory...
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Thanksgiving meal on field
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Marines don’t know how to spell the word defeat. Gen. James Mattis
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Two things a veteran never forgets...
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What a badass...
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What did you say!?
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This is what every mother sees...
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Because doors are for sissies...
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He has a bear rug in his living room...
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Tactical combat pillows...
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Many people remember a fallen soldier as a person in uniform. Sometimes that soldier is the four legged friend who saved your life by being a bomb-sniffing dog and finding the IED and warns you about it before it explodes. This is a sad but beautiful picture of pure respect for 2 fallen heroes.
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BIG RESPECT! Seventy years ago, Jim "Pee Wee" Martin parachuted into France, behind German enemy lines, in the dark of night ahead of the D-Day invasion. On June 6, 2014, at 93, the WWII veteran jumped into Normandy again, in a full military kit, marking the anniversary of the June 6th Allied troops landing. Before jumping he said, "They are worried about me getting hurt. I said, 'Don't worry about it. If I get hurt or I get killed, what is the difference? I've lived 93 years. I've had a good life.'"
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When life closes a door, breach the wall and walk in like a boss....
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To those who serve, Thank You!
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God bless them and come home safe.
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Merry Christmas
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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I am soldier, I fight where I am told. I win where I fight.
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Watch free historical war movies on your Android device (phone or tablet) www.warflix.tv or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.covernator.warflix
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When your friend calls for help
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Happy New Year !
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Dear Santa...
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Thank You for Your Service
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Not all angels reside in heaven..
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COMBAT MEDIC: "Before God, Before their Mother, they call on Him" -United States Army Combat Medic-
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12 elite British soldiers are hiding in this photo — can you spot them? (If you struggled to spot all 12 soldiers, you can see where they're hidden below in the comment section)
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So True
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Admit it
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Guns are like potato chips. You can't have just one.
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Whatever doesn't kill me...
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''I Prefer Peace''
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Funny, yet so true.
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God bless those who serve our country.
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somewhere in the world...
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Thank You!
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Coincidence? I think not.
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Sleep tight America
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They said I could do anything
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When you go home, tell them of us and say...
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I am not a hero
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Once you become fearless, life becomes limitles.
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Damn Right!
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Bad news travels fast
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CLOSE COMBAT - You're doing it wrong
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A Hero
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The older I get...
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The Marines
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Be Strong
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I will walk into hell...
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Why, hello there...
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Kill Em with Kindness
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An appropriate use for a selfie stick
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Rules of War
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Marines be like..
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And a safety brief was born that day
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They said I could be anything
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Why do I carry a pistol?
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Don't mind me...
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If you hear the shot...
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If you can operate this you are a Veteran
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When you pull to the range...
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Sharing is Caring
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John Glenn, the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth, was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery today. RESPECT !
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My boss said I have an attitude problem...
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Because reloading is stupid....
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Sometimes getting ready for work doesn't suck...
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Doesn't pack his rain gear because it's not supposed to rain...
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Those who lack courage...
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I'm not gonna give you My Gun...
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My friend said...
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When prey is armed predators think twice.
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They said I could be anything...
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Not all angels reside in heaven...
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The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war...
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The U.S. military released images taken by a combat photographer whose final picture captured the blast that killed her. R.I.P.
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The older I get...
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If you can't be safe...
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The key to getting through...
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You want my wife?
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This round is on me
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Stand for the Flag. Kneel for the Cross.
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That Moment...
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I will walk into hell and remind them who owns the place.
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From the place you will not see...
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God bless you.
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Some see empty streets...
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They see me rollin'...
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Thank You!
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Lest We Forget
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I don't always starch my cover...
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God bless you
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Forgive me father for I will sin
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Back in my day...
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Sorry if my patriotism offends you...
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They gave their tomorrows, for our todays!
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Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. John 15:13
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"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women." ~Ronald Reagan
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Thank You And God Bless!
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This guy cut me off...
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Breaking News!
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For those I love...
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I Will Never Back Down!
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I choose to do this.
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Real HEROES are not in Hollywood
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We are Family
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Praise be to the Lord...
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There's only one rule...
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Thank You!
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You have never hauled ass...
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American Heroes!
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Stay fit
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Thank you for your service!
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Can you solve this?
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Dear Heavenly Father,
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Free Military Badge Creator! Create you Veteran badge in 1 min and share it with your friends or family. Try here is free: http://iservedmy.country