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Thru the Tears...
Remember those that have given so much to ensure the freedoms we all enjoy, and so often take for granted. THANK those still serving! For if it wasn't for their perseverance, we would surely lose those freedoms. Respect also the families of those who have answered the call to serve, for they sacrifice no less. Never Forget.
(Thanks to our fan Tim Bennett)
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A former Navy SEAL and the author of "American Sniper," Chris Kyle (the most lethal sniper in United States military history), was shot and killed along with another man Saturday 2/2/2013 at a Texas gun range
R.I.P. Chris !
160 confirmed kills (out of 255 claimed kills)
Service/branch: United States Navy
Years of service: 1999-2009
Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Unit SEAL Team 3, Sniper Element, Charlie platoon
Battles/wars: Iraq War (Second Battle of Fallujah)
Silver Star (2)
Bronze Star (V) (5)
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1)
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2)
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Words like honour, code, loyalty to some are more than words.
They are the backbone of the U.S. Military. A life spent defending our nation, people & freedom.
Our troops have always honoured these words with action & deeds in the face of great danger & adversity with little thought
To their own well being.
I thank them & may God bless them.
(Posted by Mike Hunnicutt)
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We are recognizing these brave men and women by giving you the opportunity to honor — and personally thank — those who wore the uniform.
Over a million Americans stepped up to fight in Iraq, serving our country with honor and courage. Over 4,000 more lost their lives in the service of freedom.
Thank you !
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Presidents Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua and Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela said Friday they were willing to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden.
"We have decided to offer humanitarian asylum to the American Edward Snowden to protect him from the persecution being unleashed by the world's most powerful empire,'' Maduro said at the start of a military parade in the Venezuelan capital celebrating the 202nd anniversary of the South American country's declaration of independence.
Maduro said Snowden's only crime was to tell the truth.
What are your toughts?
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"No One Left Behind !"
A young Marine is showing us that nice guys really do finish last.
While running in The Jeff Drench Memorial 5K in Charlevoix, Mich., Lance Cpl. Myles Kerr stopped to help out a young boy struggling to finish the race. Kerr, 19, put aside his ambition to beat his fellow Marines and instead helped motivate 9 year-old Brandon Fuchs, who lost his party during the race, to make it to the finish line.
According to the 5K results online, the Marine ended up with the slowest time in his age group.
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Cpl. Sebastian Gallagos shows off his prosthetic arm featuring patches representing 3/5, the Wounded Warrior Regiment and other significant things in Gallagos’ life. Gallagos lost his right arm in an improvised explosive device blast and lives each day in memory of his comrades who didn’t survive the most dangerous part of Afghanistan — Sangin
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Patrick "Pat" Tillman (1976-2004) Corporal, USA Ranger, 2002-04, War in Afghanistan. Killed by "friendly fire" while on a combat mission in the mountains of Afghanistan. Awarded Silver Star & Purple Heart. Football linebacker. Arizona Cardinals 1998-2001. After the 9-11 attack he turned down an offer of over one million dollars a year for three years from the Cardinals to enlist in the Army.
A true HERO
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God Bless all of the brave men & women past and present who have served and continue to service this country with honor.
patch: http://www.amazon.com/Patch-Military-Defender-Christmas-Valentines/dp/B00FZ3O1CK/ref=sr_1_5?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1402402952&sr=1-5&keywords=fallen+heroes&tag=cvrntr-20
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Thank you to all of the men and women who serve in the United States Military and protect our independence. Your sacrifice to our country makes you a hero in my eyes. And while you are stationed around the world, I would also like to thank your families for their sacrifice and for sharing you with all of us.
This Independence Day, don’t forget to thank those who serve for protecting our freedoms and allowing us to continue to live in the greatest country in the world.
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Download our app with more images here:
For more Soldiers in action, Military jokes and Humor, armed forces slogans, proud Veterans or homecoming of War heroes, please try our Android Phone app. This app is simply your window into the heart and soul of the slogan "Be all you can be"
Our app is FREE. Try it now.
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American in Paris:
Harvey, an elderly American absentmindedly arrived at French immigration at Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris and fumbled for his passport.
'You have been to France before Monsieur?' the official asked in an aggressive tone.
Harvey, smiled and admitted that he had been to France before.
'In that case you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection,' barked the bad-tempered officer.
Harvey gently informed the man that the last time he came to France he did not have to show his passport or any other documents.
'Pas possible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in 'la belle France.'
Harvey gave the Frenchman a long hard look. 'I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day
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Warflix - War Movies
Who does not like free movies? The Warflix application runs in your web browser and connects you to a large database of free historical war movies you can watch on your Android smartphone, tablet or computer for free..
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Gred Gadson, a lieutenant colonel w/ the Second Battalion & 32nd Field Artillery, was returning from a memorial service for 2 soldiers when his vehicle passed a roadside bomb on 5/7/07. Gadson remembers the detonation sending his body tumbling through rubble, then medics placing him on a stretcher in a helicopter, his severed feet sitting in his lap. He awakened days later at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., his legs amputated above the knees.
Respect !
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The first Men’s Health Ultimate Guy recounts his amazing journey, from the dark days after his war injury to becoming a new man
As disabled war veteran and Dancing with the Stars finalist Noah Galloway’s reign as Men’s Health’s Ultimate Guy draws to a close, he looks back at the decade-long journey that made him the man he is today. And the pictures he snapped along the way.
Noah's transformation was remarkable, and an inspiration for all of us. Who's going to be the next Men’s Health Ultimate Guy? We have no idea. The contest is far from over. There is no winner yet. It's possible the winner hasn't even signed up. Maybe he's out there right now, reading this, wondering if he should take a chance and put his name in the running. But he's not sure. Why would he, of all people, get picked as the Ultimate Guy?
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One thing you will never, ever forget? Being on a commercial flight, and the crew makes an announcement, that it is their HONOR to be a part of escorting a fallen soldier home. They ask after landing, that everyone remain seated while the military escort team sideboards. Of course, during this time, the plane is silent, except for the sound of the casket being unloaded from the cargo hold. Pray for our heroes and their families. Thank you.
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Seventy years ago, Jim "Pee Wee" Martin parachuted into France, behind German enemy lines, in the dark of night ahead of the D-Day invasion. On June 6, 2014, at 93, the WWII veteran jumped into Normandy again, in a full military kit, marking the anniversary of the June 6th Allied troops landing. Before jumping he said, "They are worried about me getting hurt. I said, 'Don't worry about it. If I get hurt or I get killed, what is the difference? I've lived 93 years. I've had a good life.'"
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